Why SethiSahib? This question I have been trying to answer ever since I have set up this blog of mine. And what a better place than the blog itself to demystify it.
Well to answer this let me take you some 20 years down the line when I was around 6 years old and the only time I ever had a girlfriend.
Well I don’t exactly remember about her ( boys will be boys after all :-)) but my grandmother has done her level best in the following years that this story is made available to each and every homo sapiens she was acquainted on planet earth. I know if she would have known Yash Chopra, we would already have SRK enacting my role.
Well according to reliable sources her name was Monika Behl and my parents tell me she was crazy like anything about this six year old stud. We use to travel everyday in the same Tonga to school and according to my mom, I use to buy her Churans, candy’s after the school gets over. It amazes me how every mom keeps track of how much money her son spend on his woman. But yes, what a rich man I use to be in those days. Chauffer driven Tonga, pocket full of money and a girlfriend for company.
And then one day I could not make it to school, this lady got panicked and came running to my house and met my grandmother to ask her about my where abouts. Indeed she was crazy about me :-)
Standing akimbo on the door she asks angrily to my Grandma “Where is Sethi Sahib”
Grandma replied “He has gone to office” ,thinking she was asking about my father. The lady then said, “Not yours but mine Sethi Sahib”. What a romantic line , i cold have given anything for it but yes also an apt example of how possessive a lady can get about her man. My grand ma was so happy and proud of her lineage. The boy in the house has made her first girl friend and that too at tender age of six, breaking of all previous records of bringing your girl friends home. From then on the word “Sethi Sahib” stuck with me.
I have very beautiful first name and I am really proud of that but in last 2o years since that fateful morning I have been called in various flavors of my surname. Some call me Sethi sahib or Sethi sahab ,some takes it a tone lighter with Sethi ji or Sethi sir , office mails have me as Mr. Sethi and for close friends its plain vanilla Sethi .
So I have decided to dedicate this blog to all those who have ever addressed me by my surname.
And now if you are wondering what happened to the first lady of my life then to disappoint you all even I don’t know about her. My parents got the hint of things to come and they promptly shifted the residence to some other place within 3 months of that incidence and since then I live my life with the new identity she has christened for me.