DISCLAIMER : Well i decided to write about my Field Museum trip this weekend but could not take out a bugger called ArjunSingh out of my mind. So,only Go through the post if you are above the age of 18 as the text contains deserving expletives and if even if you are not then also read the post because you got to know how to address this shit head called Arjun Singh.
We were three persons. SI (The wonderful guy with whom I went in for the movie), NG (His South Indian lady friend) and third Sethi Sahib. Now this NG was a bit of surprise element for me. Anyways since it was already planned I went ahead with the trip.
The museum is real good. Believe me when I say its huge. It has everything from Original Egyptian Mummies, to the heavy pyramid stones which required 172 men to move ( Irrespective of Being an SC ST Or OBC) , the artifacts and amulets dating centuries back, the Evolution of life from earth’s initial years to the creation of Arjun Singh like dinosaurs to the first human lady Lucy. There was one complete section dedicated to gems and Jades alone. Also there was a huge section about pacific region. Hall for China was present and so was for Tibet but surprisingly no India. The only thing I found missing was a hall for Indian civilization. (I guess we need some reservation here. Arjun Singh are u listening) (****Fuck u Arjun ******)
There was a big section dedicated to practically all the species of animals ( except Arjun ) and plants u could possibly think off in their life size figurines. This one para above about the museum is just a tip of the ball pen lying on the top of the ice berg and dear Arjun if instead of Reservation and Quotas, you can think of giving something like this to India , I know in your next elections u wd be asking for Reservations for Americans in India ( ***** Sounds nice ! Fuck u again Arjun *****)
I really like what they called was House of Maori which the Field Museum authorities brought from New Zealand. Yes they had shifted an entire house as it is from New Zealand to be kept inside the museum. This house was built by Maori people of New Zealand as a place to worship their ancestors, where they believed spirits of their ancestors are present. It is a long hut with thousands of eyes painted on the walls. And when i stepped inside that dark house, I felt amazing peace ; I guess it really had some thing inside it. May be at least when spirits die they do not require a 27% reservation to rest in peace. (***** May the entire world in all its orgasmic glory fuck u hard Arjun *****)
And now the fun part (Yes despite people like Arjun Singh deciding the fate of India’s future, life can be sometimes fun. Taking break from Arjun here. Already given him his share of 27% quota in my post on this blog)
The lady NG was a walking talking national geographic channel ( That’s why NG , NG = national Geographic) , she would stand on every single artifact , animal figurine that your eyes can see in every available single inch of your vicinity and give one whole episode commentary on that animal/artifact , I wondered if she knew so much why the hell has she come here. And i was feeling "can anyone play himesh reshamiya here please ".
I don’t know why majority of south Indian kids are brought up with notion that the only way they would be sociably acceptable in the society would be to cram every word printed in Science , math’s and geography textbooks ( including preface and acknowledgements ) and vomit it out in tamilised accented English on the lesser mortals of the society like me.
Now SI had a reason to feel interested in whatever she was saying, after all he has invited her and now has to pay price for it . I could see the expression on his face which was exactly the same like a student of computer science made to forcibly sit in a class of biology and made to discuss comparisons between intravascular intestines and chromosomal cross sections of the human pancreas. And I really admire his ptience and guts for this heroic act.
So he use to stand at every stop along side her and by the time they would have completed theri discussion about the kind of grass chimpanzees from central Africa ate, i would have taken 3 rounds of the entire African continent displayed there including a hurried ride to European hall and a 15 minute documentary on African tribal dance .
I tried to keep up my pace with them but with them i felt as confused as a gay would have felt on an island of lesbians ( Sorry for the phrase but that was the exact words i told to Ms National Geographic and for the next 3 minutes she was looking at me with the same intensity as she was looking at the group of orang gutans couple of minutes before.
And then when she was comparing the black stripes of her top to the model of the tiger before her , i replied to her that the patterns on the top look more like the narrowly spaced stripes usually seen on the bodies of Gravy Zebras found in the semi-desert of northern Kenya east of the Great Rift Valley and north of the Tana River.
Trust me she was impressed by my knowledge of zebras ( which i acquired, learned and revised during my third round of the same hall by the time they could finish off the tiger window ) but some how could not find herself comfortable being compared to zebra no matter how exclusive they are .
So i decided to take an independent tour and meet them after couple of hours. In those couple of hours i took the entire Evolution section , the Africa, Egypt , Pacific, North Americas and Tibet of the world and also had a time to spare for a hot coffee and banana muffins in the museums bakery.
I met SI and NG after that. They have finally dome with Animals, SI had a face of relief, the same relief that you see on a person’s face when he comes out of a cinemas loo after holding himself for two and a half hours in a suspenseful Ram Gopal Vermas film. NG was still disturbed as she could not see and comment upon couple of rats and few varieties of Madeira cockroaches as it was time for the museum to get closed
Well that’s was my museum trip, in midnight SI called me and said he was unable to sleep because as soon as he closes his eye, he feel himself in Midst of national geographic commentary of importance of maintaining the ecosystem of the mother earth.
And I replied Imagine NG taking Arjun Singh for the museum Trip. This quota issue will be solved and clsoed once and for all. Amen!
(Once more before I end **** Fuck u Arjun *********)