Hum Log!Well returning to my blog after a long time. Feeling the same amount of happiness as Tushar KKKKapoor would feel once any one of his movies may finally gets accepted by the audience.
News on personal desk is than I am back from my India visit ,
As I was busy dating RK Sahib during my entire stay at home, I realized ,folks at home are in hell bent mode to find someone for this “running –away – from women – as- if – they –are – flu” chap. I am sure they wont have bothered if my neighborhoods Billoo wont have got married to our next door twinkle in just 23yrs of arriving on this earth . Or my Dads-> Sisters->Sister IN laws -> aunts-> daughter Pinky had not entered into wedlock at the age of 21.
Its peer pressure taking its toll every where.
But I guess 26 years of rejections by women has taken its toll – starting from my nursery teacher who always think I was better outside my class to my class mates in school for whom I was the strongest proponent of “ Girls – do well in school because they don’t have anything else to –do at home “ philosophy to my cousins who have always classified me as a lost beast from Nigerian jungle ( I wonder if Nigeria has a jungle) , to women in my college who didn’t even realized I existed and spent four years in campus , following with women at workplace who would always think I am a dignified gay in many years to come. The rejection count matches the number of hours spent by Uday Chopra waiting to act in a movie not directed and produced by his father or his brother.
The vibes that I share with majority of women are exactly similar to the vibes India and Pakistan share. The world wants something good to happen between them, but Pakistan ( read women ) will not even try to think love can blossom between the two of them. Dad!! Mom!!. U guys have a real tough task at hand. It’s like Asking Karan Johar to deliver a hit with Tushaar Kapoor in lead.
In office too when I told guys I was going home to celebrate Diwali , every one thought I had gone to get fixed up permanently with someone. No one here can believe that any perfectly normal bachelor can make a trip to home on personal expense just to celebrate Diwali . In fact when I was away a new phrase was coined for whoever was planning to get married soon as a consequential output of my trip
So sample this , First Guy ,“When r u planning to celebrate your Diwali?” Second Guy, “ Looking forward for April next year” Third Guy “ My Diwali not possible in next year too”
Suddenly I am receiving lots of telephone calls from relatives and from my parents friend circle with a set of questions for which I am planning to come out with FAQ and get it personally delivered to each one of them and also get it published right there as first page article in all leading national dailies .
Here are few of the questions “Beta aage ka Kya plan hain” and I am thinking well I plan to immediately bang this phone and go and watch a movie starring Tushaar kapoor and Uday chopra as the two leads. That should be less taxing on mind.
Another one of their favorite question is “ Beta kahaan settle hona hain” and I am like how about Mars as the place to begin with. I know human race would disown me if I don’t enter a wedlock so that’s the only palce left for Aliens like me.
I now share my sympathies with Manmohan paaji as I realize what it feels like when only agenda with the people around you is to decide whether and where all should SC/ST quota be implemented and you are wondering , with so many other important issues still to be solved then why the world around you is going nuts about something that should have never been in list of your priorities in first place itself.
I have always been a single channel, Door Darshan brought up man. I do well when I have a single choice but it freaks me out when I am offered a digital remote with 100 channels and additional 200 channels on pay per view bases. With almost everyone trying to hook me up with various jazzed up programming channels I search for simple plain, graphic free, knowledgeable, sensitive Doordarshan like someone which presents Krishi darshan with almost same simplicity, dignity and enthusiasm as it presents Chitrahaar on weekends irrespective of what market forces have to say.
I know it’s a tough task to find neutral balanced DD in times of Baywatch or over emotional K serial channels par kya aisa ho paaayega , inhin sabhi sawallon ka jawab jaanne keliye padte rehenge yeh blog